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Support for International Students

Our International Office

After your acceptance as a PhD student or intern at DIGS-ILS, International Office supports you in planning for your time here and navigating the German bureaucracy – we are looking forward to finding a solution for your individual situation!

Services include the following topics:

  • Visa: support with application process and travel health insurance requirements, Extension of residence permit, visa for other countries etc.
    → see also: Visa Quick Check by the German Federal Foreign Office
  • Accommodation: support in finding immediate and long-term accommodation
  • Covid19: pandemic travel planning, up-to-date entry and quarantine regulations
  • First steps in Dresden: address registration & residence permit application (equaling visa extension), German Health Insurance signup, Bank account opening
  • Inviting family to Dresden: long-term family visa, visitor visa, tips on hosting long-term guests (several weeks)
  • Change in your family situation: partnership/Marriage, pregnancy and childbirth, application to child and parental allowance, support in finding a school and day-care
  • Leaving: moving out, cancellation of contracts, de-registration
  • Trouble shooting: visa, general tax information, changing tax classes
  • … and: landlord, repairs, letter translation, school etc.